Friday, March 20, 2009
Weeping Alaskans
Monday, March 16, 2009
Mas Plantas!!!!
Alright, Spring has definitely arrived regardless that the calendar says that happens Friday. We have been receiving & receiving. Here is a quick rundown of some more items we now have in stock here at the nursery......
- Norway Spruce--5',6',7', & 8'
- Black Hills Spruce--5'
- More Junipers--Ketleeri & Skyrocket just arrived!
- Oaks--Swamp White, Overcup, Bur, Pin
- Redbuds & Whitebuds, Forest Pansy
- Serbian Spruce
And for some out of the ordinary plants.....
- Dawyck Purple Beech--only a few!!
- Venus Dogwood--only a few!!
- Vanderwolf & Columnar White Pines--various sizes
- Blue Atlas Cedar-7', 8', 9', & 10'
- Weeping Alaskan Falsecypress--Green Arrow & Pendula--Very Nice!
- Contorted Filberts--Harry Lauder Walking Stick--3-4', AWESOME
- Columnar Blue Atlas Cedar-6'
- Mops Chamaecyparis #3--great yellow color
Check back to see a slide show of our new arrivals...& to see what else is coming this week!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
What a Difference a Week Makes
Here We Go!!!!
It officially feels like spring is here for us at KAT!! Things are starting to wake up & bloom in the nursery (check out the slide show at the right for some pics), and we have started to receive truckload after truckload of beautiful & freshly dug trees & plants to stock our yard. Some of the items coming in this past week are
- Jane & Saucer Magnolias--some color showing!!
- Golden Raintrees
- Cinderella Crabs--starting to bloom!!
- OK & Eastern Redbuds, Royal Whitebuds
- White Dogwood--3"
- B&B Boxwood & Globe Spruce
- Emerald Green Arbs--5', 6', & 8'+
- Blue Atlas Cedar, Karl Fuchs Deodar Cedar & Eisregen Deodar Cedar
All that and it's just the tip of the iceberg. Check back soon for more pictures of these and other material just landing.